Guidelines for Learning Chemistry
Chemistry is a science subject that students either dread or love it. In high school, chemistry is an elective. However, most reputable colleges obligate all undergraduate learners to take at least a single chemistry course as a requirement for them to graduate. For those who intend to take a career course in engineering, medicine, or any field of natural sciences, you must take a chemistry course before you graduate. The majority of the students find chemistry a challenging subject, but it should not be so. The majority of the students struggle with chemistry because they approach it in the wrong way. In this article, we explore techniques and strategies that, if applied, can improve student’s ability to learn and study chemistry.
Study and review the learning resources before attending class
For the traditional learning model, learners arrive for class, then the teacher introduces the material to explain relevant ideas, then allocate follow-up assignments, and reading and the class ends. Learners should review the class notes, then try to complete allocated assignments and supplementary readings.
Seek understanding
Similar to all science-based subjects, chemistry has its fair share of new information to memorize and learn. When you begin to study chemistry, much new information will become your way, such that you will start to get bogged down very fast if you attempt to memorize all details.
Take Good Notes
It is not enough to attend class regularly and pay attention. As you attend chemistry lessons, you must take legible notes that buttress your understanding of ideas discussed in class. Note-taking is essential because:
- It forces students to write concepts down
- Taking and reviewing notes helps determine what you understand and do not understand.
- Organize well your note-taking, to help you in exam preparation
- Enable you to participate in discussion groups
Practice daily
The secret to studying and learning chemistry is to do a lot of practice. The chemistry study routine should comprise the following actions working on formulas, solving equations, and finishing practice problems. Plan to spend approximately one hour to study daily. Continuously test your knowledge and understand of chemistry by working and reviewing practice problems.
Take Advantage of Laboratory Time
To learn and understand chemistry, hands-on experience is necessary. To get this experience, make a habit of attending chemistry lab sessions. Do not squander any opportunity to work in a chemistry lab. To gain understanding and knowledge in chemistry, work through chemistry problems, and even conduct chemistry experiments.
Use Flashcards
Flashcards are not new, but they are beneficial when studying chemistry. Chemistry as a subject is full of vocabulary, formulas, and symbols that you have to interpreter correctly or memorize. They are great for organizing the study of chemical symbols, vocabulary, formulas, plus the periodic table elements. Memorization is easy once you have an organized flashcard.
Use Study Groups
To tackle chemistry makes good use of a well-organized study group. Within study groups, students share insights of what they have learned in class, exchange concepts, explain challenging concepts amongst themselves, teach one another what they have learned, share notes, and prepare for examinations. These are tips for an effective study group.
- Should have between 3 to 6 members
- Members to prepare for a study group session
- Have members who have the dedication to their success
- Have study sessions if between two to three hours
- Maintain focus while in the study session.
Decompose large tasks to smaller ones
When learning chemistry, breaks down the study material into smaller chunks that you can understand effortlessly. However, it may be tedious and slow, but it will help you learn what you are studying. Once you understand one concept, you can now move to the next one. You will get amazed at the effectiveness of this strategy.